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Hulpverlening Ontwwerk
Espace general - - vous souhaitez investir en afrique? izf vous invite à vous renseigner sur l'actualité économique de la zone franc cfa.

Kaart van Mali
Espace general - - vous souhaitez investir en afrique? izf vous invite à vous renseigner sur l'actualité économique de la zone franc cfa.

Anco en Ewien naar Mali
Welkom bij, de website die u op de hoogte houdt van de avonturen van anco & ewien. zij hopen medio 2004 te wonen en werken in mali voor de cama-zending.

All Africa
Allafrica: african news and information for a global audience

Afrikaanse Albino's
Stichting afrikaanse albino's - african albino foundation

L'Essor en ligne
L'essor : le quotidien national du mali

Latest news from Mali
Irin is a unique humanitarian news and analysis service. part of the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs, irin provides original content about emergencies in africa, asia and the middle east to an audience of millions worldwide through the internet, televisie and radio.

Usaid programs in mali focus on health, education, democracy, economic growth, and communications expansion.

Timbuktu Foundation
Timbuktu educational foundation: preserving, restoring and disseminating the important intellectual contributions of the early african scholars from the famous timbuktu university of mali, west africa. there are around 700,000 ancient manuscripts in timbuktu and its surroundings that are on the verge of being lost; these manuscripts of timbuktu cover diverse subjects. even before the european renaissance, timbuktu flourished as he greatest academic and commercial center in africa. great empires such as ghana, mali and songhai were proofs of the talents, creativity and ingenuity of the african people. the university of timbuktu produced both black african scholars (ahmed baba es sudane, mohamed bagayogo....) and leaders (mansa musa, askia muhammed...) of the highest rank, character and nobility.

Stichting Jigo
Stichting jigo is een particulier initiatief om de leefomstandigheden van de bewoners van jigo, een dorp in mali, afrika te verbeteren.

Mali Assistence Project
Famine relief, well drilling, irrigation systems, schools and hospitals for the bambara people in foutaka zambougou, west africa

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